

Susanne Duncan

Buchanhaven Pharmacy, NHS Grampian

Buchanhaven Pharmacy, NHS Grampian

Susanne is a highly experienced and established community pharmacist and has been an active independent prescriber for eight years. She has a proven track-record as an exemplary pre-registration tutor, supporting seven pre-registration pharmacists through their final year, acting as a mentor for junior pharmacists, and being valued as a trusted leader and role-model across her wider business.

Susanne has forged excellent working relationships with her surrounding general practices which has proved vital when developing patient pathways for services and ensuring optimal patient care. Some of the main services here include CMS / MCR. Since the MCR service started she has conducted substantial work with the local surgeries who have been happy to take referrals of patients who would benefit most from serial scripts.

A further key service which she has helped to bolster is the treatment of urinary tract infections in that her pharmacy initially participated in the pilot for trimethoprim.