

The Cadham Pharmacy Team



For Bernadette and the pharmacy team, focussing on the agenda of self-care has been increasingly important in these challenging times, when access to face-to-face consultations with GPs and nurses is difficult for patients. In particular, the pharmacy are committed to promoting services that will ultimately lead to a care treatment plan, which will encompass advice, purchasing product, private prescriptions and NHS treatment dispensing on the presenting complaint and long-term medical condition.

Ensuring that nobody is excluded in reaching out to the team for help and support has been crucial. As a result, an array of means for contact suitable for different age groups has been implemented, such as Healthera, which enables smart communication by text; Rocketo, messaging which even works with old phones; the Intellia phone system, which allows the team to change messages and educate the public; and an online booking system which supports individuals in accessing services. Three team members are also in place to support all enquiries that reach the pharmacy through the modes of communication, while more front-of-shop, face-to-face staff are being safely utilised.

Bernadette is also extremely passionate about self-care in the long-term disease of asthma and over a two-year collaboration period has had numerous case studies relating to it published on Let’s Talk Respiratory. Delivering care to patients, Bernadette crafts treatment plans with goals and regular follow-up until the patient achieves control and then they can do the rest.